A trustless, sharable, E2E encrypted file-sharing protocol.
Previously, platform services required unencrypted access to all user data in order to create an exceptional product experience. In order to use platforms like this, users have had no choice but to sacrifice their privacy and give control over their data to platforms that won’t share value back to their users. Seed Labs is challenging this paradigm. We have created the first encrypted, sharable, forever-available and decentralized data sharing protocol, Vault, for arbitrary content gating. How it works is simple:
- Determine the audience. You can give read permissions to any individual or group.
- Upload a file. This can be anything, from a line of text to a PDF.
- Share the permalink. Only the specified audience can read the file, without any intermediaries guaranteeing this. This permalink never changes, and is a cryptographic hash of the inputs Steps 1 and 2, ensuring resilient, tamperproof data forever.